Versione Italiana

The Via del Sale, a millennia-long road

Route The Via del Sale (Via ad Salinas)

The “via ad salinas”, is an ancestral road, its origins are lost in the mists of time, Sorricchio says it was built by the Sabines / Piceni, it is even referred to by Castelli as pre-existing the Sabines. For others it is traced back to the Pelasgian immigrations, which were subsequent to those of the Liburnians and the Sicels. The salaria road, which from Antrodoco forked for Ascoli Piceno and the Vomano valley, with a branch called Via cecilia or raussa, went up the ridge that leads from Basciano to Atri, passing through Monte Giove, Collemarmoreum (Bisenti),  Barbujanum (valviano-Cellino). This road rejoined the Salaria proper in Atri, and reached the Saline touching the ancient port of Atri, the “cerranus matrinus”. Another arm through today’s Castilenti, reached the capital of the Vestini, Penne. In his important work on the roads of the Roman Empire, Bergier asserts that other minor roads branched off from the salaria, which were called “carsus publici”. Even these traverses, says Delfico, “gave not only an easy transit to the Roman militias but opened a trade, by land and by sea to the Sabine, Petruzian, Piceni, Atriani, Vestini peoples, to the neighboring mountain populations”.

The main communication routes of these centers and these peoples, necessary to keep the religious, social and commercial ties firm, did not concern the Salaria proper but rather a more direct and shorter route than through “Vado di Siella”, Roccafinadamo and Penne, it crossed the Apennines to reach the sanctuary of Monte Giove and from here passing through Atri up to the salt pans located along the coast. Stone mounds and archaeological finds in the mountain resort of Figliolarsita demonstrate that this is a very ancient itinerary.

It is Barnabei’s belief that this route was beaten in ancient times and was the most direct way to go to Rome, before and after the better practicability of the Salaria proper. This road was not supposed to cross large streams and develop between overhanging gorges.

This immersive tourist experience consists of walking a stretch of the Camino together with local guides.

Photo Via del Sale, GAL Terre d’Abruzzo, S. Di Memmo

The journey includes: Trekking and Hiking, Nordic Walking, Wellness

Day 1

• Questa esperienza turistica immersiva consiste nel percorrere un tratto del Cammino insieme a guide locali.

End of journey
E' richiesto adeguato abbigliamento. Obblighi dei partecipanti I partecipanti sono tenuti a: - rispettare orario, adeguandosi alle eventuali variazioni apportate; - presentarsi con condizione psicofisica e abbigliamento adeguati all’attività; - mantenere un comportamento disciplinato nel corso dell’attività, - non arrecare danni ambientali (raccogliere piante, funghi, disturbare animali, etc.) e comunque di adottare un comportamento rispettoso dell’ambiente; - conservare i propri rifiuti fino agli appositi cassonetti. Fotografie e riprese video Nel corso dell’attività verranno effettuati scatti fotografici e/o riprese video che possono comparire su siti di pubblico dominio e che saranno utilizzati da Wolftour srl e dai suoi partner per finalità promozionali. La partecipazione all’eventio sottintende il nullaosta alla pubblicazione del suddetto materiale.
Price includes
•   escursione turistica accompagnata
Price not includes
•   Il prezzo non include supplementi e tutto quanto non espressamente indicato.
Travel time
1 Days
Your guide
We suggest to bring
•   Abbigliamento tipico per il trekking
•   Scarpe comode
Book now at € 20 per head