Versione Italiana


Trekking on the wolf’s tracks, yoga and meditation to rediscover yourself, gain energy from Nature and use it to face daily routine…

In an ancient past, men used to live together with animals and plants, go hunting and feed themselves directly from the Nature… Sometimes they choose totem animals to direct and expand their energies, in order to ask extraordinary and symbolic powers to face daily life. The wolf was one of these animals.


Unbelievable force, courage, determination, skills and intelligence… how would it be possible not to be influenced by these amazing characteristics?

Nowadays, it is common to investigate about the real sense of life, deep into distractions and non-senses.

Have you ever tried to stay in absolute silence and complete loneliness in a wild landscape? You have to try many times to understand… your limits will lose their consistency… a privileged door to the environment will open, as our ancestors used to experience.

For a weekend, you will explore a beautiful and wild landscape located in central Italy and get in touch with your emotional core, doing Yoga, Zazen mediation and trekking. A fantastic spirit guide will guide you to rediscover yourself as part of the Nature. You will follow its tracks, listen to its night haulings and maybe meet it… That’s the magilca and mysterious world of the wolf, a spirit ingrained in everyone.

The journey includes: Trekking and Hiking, Wellness

Day 1

• Meeting at 2pm in Castel del Monte (AQ), Rifugio del Pastore.
• Check-in and accommodation.
• Mountain trekking, among woods, grass and rocks, the wolf's habitat.
• Meditation.
• Back to Castel del Monte. Yoga.
• Dinner (not included) and overnight.

Day 2

• Wake up and yoga at the sunset.
• Breakfast at the hotel.
• Mountain trekking and meditation.
• Packed lunch.
• Back to home.

End of journey
The host accommodations
Minimum 2 persons per group
Price includes
•   Overnight
•   Breakfast
•   Yoga and Zazen meditation
•   Trekking (not guided)
Price not includes
•   Transportation
•   Food&Beverages
•   Personal expenses and extras
•   Travel Insurance
Travel time
2 Days and 1 nights
Your guide
Ariele Pittalà
We suggest to bring
•   Comfortable shoes
•   Yoga carpet
•   Meditation pillow
Book now at € 160 per head